Sunday, October 29, 2006

YES, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

YESOutsider Hippie Art (c) Singleton 2006"What did you say?"Yes."Say it again"Yes."Are you whispering now?"YesI'm so thirsty....Colored markers, pencils, ink and all that hoo-hah on cardstock

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Tightrope, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

TIGHTROPEOutsider Woman Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006Stupid little soap opera.....You're watching.Checking to see if I can find the balance,the rhythm...bird on a wire....And I might teeter,wobble,but I won't look down.Peace is waiting.And I'm going there.Markers, ink, pencils and all that other hoo-hah. The earrings are just for balance.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tribal Dance, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

TRIBAL DANCEWoman Outsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006It was hazy.Smokey.Dark.I wasn't ready.Wasn't expecting you.Wasn't looking for you.Into the light.Colored pencils, markers, ink and all that hoo-hahSold To A Fellow Tribal Dancer

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Random, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

RANDOMOutsider Woman Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006I was only dancingAnd you whispereddown my neckEverything and nothingthat I simplywanted to hear...I was only dancingRaincheck.Colored markers, pencils, ink and all that hoo-hah

Saturday, October 7, 2006

The Seduction, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

The SeductionOutsider Woman Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006If you weren'tsohammered,You would haveseen melook away.And this wouldcomeas no surprise.Next round's on me.Markers,pencils, ink and all that hoo-hah on cardstock,etc...Sold to the Keeper of My Confessions

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Sweet Chaos, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

Sweet ChaosOutsider Woman Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006You didn't leave mebroken,just a little of a mess.Nothing I can't fix. Markers, Pencils, Ink and all that other hoo-haSOLD to a Soulful Sister

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Window, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

WINDOWOutsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006I found awindow.Opaque, but open.And I'm leaving.The trash goes out on Tuesday.pencils, markers, ink, all that hoo-ha

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