Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Housekeeper, Singleton, Outsider Art 2007

THE HOUSEKEEPEROutsider Hippie Woman Art(c) Singleton 2007 She watches you....with giant helicopter eyesTidylittle package,secret little life..neatly foldedlaundry....She dances under the clothesline....Between the billowing sheets...And steals you blind......

Twig Spells, Singleton, Outsider Art

TWIG SPELLOutsider Hippie Woman Art(c) SingletonSOLDWe went there,laughing,stumbling,gathering twigs and rocks and shells...And lost ourselves...Wanderingdeeper anddeeper into the woods....Until the only way backwas to follow thetrail of brokentwigs and rocks and shells....To build a cocoonfrom the debris....

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