Sunday, October 14, 2007

Orange Crush, (c) Singleton 2007, Outsider Art

ORANGE CRUSH(c) Singleton 2007Colored markers, ink, cardstock, tissue,glitter and all that hoo-hah on Sunday morning canvas

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Whisperer, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art

The Whisperer(c) Singleton 2007SOLDHe didn't hear her comingbarefooted after the airplane crashedwhite noiseeverywhereand he didn't hear her goingbanging his gearseyes dartingon emptyhighwaysdodgingneon traffic cones,dead witches rising from the blacktop.But in the quiet,she whispers to himand it allcomesMother Sun risingback a featherdipped in indigo henna inktattoedAnd then he rememberswhat

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