Saturday, January 26, 2008

Just Maybe, Singleton 2008, Outsider Hippie Art

JUST MAYBE(c) Singleton 2008Now featured at Cafe Press....Peace, love, maybe He flittered down,in his patent leather suit,black and yellow pin-striped,talking to my soul....strutting on the fence linedaring me to follow him,chase him,dance with him....the butterfly with zebra linesand tell-tale wings....But I didn't.And he flew away.....The elusive dream wrapped temptress.Bathwater days turned

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Behind the butterfly, Singleton 2008 , Outsider Hippie Art

Behind the Butterfly(c) Singleton 2008"You hide there,behind your peace~lovehoo~hah,rattling change-the-world coinsin your hand-me-down levis,inviting chaosin throughyour kitchendoor....and askingit in for tea""Hmmmm"I whisperfrom behindveiled wings...rattling found trinketsfor the sake of good luck,and say"I'll take that as a compliment"...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hello, Singleton 2008 Hippie Outsider Art

Hello(c) Singleton 2008SOLD It's a red day,a bar~room coaster day,accidently scribbled on,"Hello, it's me"....Forever was firstin lineand last to takethe chanceand just in caseI forgot to tell you,even when I'm gone,forever is a memory,tripped over,leaned over,hidden in the second dresser drawer,"peace~love"....Say the words....

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I've known you forever, Singleton 2008 outsider hippie art

I've known you forever(C) Singleton 2008Private CollectionI met an angelby fateor happenchance.sitting out a danceon the sidewalk of these pages,and he whisperedto my soul,in his raspyyesterday voice,with old wordsin an old language,the one word I'vewaited to hear.....Eternity.....And I knew then,what I had to whisper back.......Peace.......Hippie Journal available now

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