Monday, March 31, 2008

When Pixies make Peace, Singleton Hippie Art

When Pixies make Peace(c) Singleton 2008On Parade SoonI wadded it all up,the burnt orange sunflowered sheets,the sandy cat hair littered kitchen floor,the margarita glasses with the peelingpaint thatkissed your lips,left salty tattooson your chin,your smile,floating on the rim.I packed it all upand scooped it into yesterday,an overstuffed pillowtossed carelessly on the floor.And in this

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fairytales and Other Fables Singleton Outsider hippie art

Fairytales and other Fables(C) Singleton 2008Featured soon at Cafepress.Com Falling,helplesslytumblingthrough thelooking glass,the make-shift mirror,the flat lined ocean,and thenfloating,drowning,buried in underwaterpetticoatsand pretty little stories,listeningfor the quiet to come...But she held the tickets,the 50/50 raffle stubs,the pink "Get out Free" cardsand it was raining,and she was

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Poster Child, Singleton 2008, Outsider Hippie Art

Poster Child(c) Singleton 2008Featured soon at Cafepress.comSOLDYour face....mine....two fingers up,swayingsaying,singing,screaming"Just give me peace...."And we're a chorus,an army,a first grade paradeofwanna be's,need to be's,"Can't you see?s".....And the beat goes on.....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

True Story, Singleton 2008 Hippie Art

True StorySOLD(c) Singleton 200898 pages ofBohemianlove,circles of fate,planes fallingfrom the sky....My story.The only one I know.The true story.The one they never believe.And you laughedand threw backyour beer andsaid "Cheers to the lady whose gonna save the world with just one word",not believing or seeing the change in the mirror,and I laughedwhen wesaid good~nightand you realizedyou

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