Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Red Graffiti Letters Canvas Stack Series


Red Graffiti Letters Canvas Stack Series

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Surfboard Designs Graffiti Graphics Illustration

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Surfboard designs graffiti graphics illustration. Graffiti art graphic on a beautiful surfboard. New Graffiti.

Maybe you are interested with graffiti alphabet letters?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Graffiti Letters "SKILL 2007" Wall - Wildstyle Design Characters


Graffiti Letters, Wildstyle Graffiti
Graffiti Letters, Wildstyle Graffiti
Graffiti Letters, Wildstyle Graffiti
Graffiti Letters "SKILL 2007" Wall - Wildstyle Design Characters

3 Fig Graffiti Letters "Skill 2007" with character designs that are well known by many people that is wildstyle. Graffiti was made by the skill on the media wall, so it can be said this is the kind of graffiti murals.
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Mystery Scene Review of 'Never Wave Goodbye' by Doug Magee

It's a parent's worst nightmare. They send their children off to camp on a bus driven by what's supposed to be a camp counselor. However, when the real bus shows up later, panic sets in as the parents realize their kids have been kidnapped.

This is the set up of NEVER WAVE GOODBYE by Doug Magee, which I reviewed for Mystery Scene Magazine.

This debut novel is not only highly suspenseful, but a great character study of people under the worst form of pressure.

I highly recommend it.

Surfboard Designs Graffiti | Graffiti Alphabet Stewarl

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Surfboard designs graffiti. Write my name in graffiti graffiti alphabet as in the design of the sled on the graffiti writing Stewarl. New Graffiti

Maybe you are interested with graffiti alphabet letters?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Chicago Gang Graffiti

celeb tattoosExamples of Gang Graffiti Chicagoceleb tattoos
Chicago Gang Graffiti

How To Draw Graffiti On The Surfboard

celeb tattoosHow to draw graffiti on the surfboard?
  1. Create a design and sketch graffiti
  2. Stickers on surfboard design
  3. Surfboard spray suitable designs and themes that you like, you can also write my name on the surfboard. Good luck. New-Graffiti
Maybe you are interested with graffiti alphabet letters?

celeb tattoos
Surfboard designs graffiti

Create Graffiti Alphabet Letters in a Minimalist Home Design


Create Graffiti Alphabet Letters in a Minimalist Home Design

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Graffiti 3D Swinging Daim - Graffiti Graphic Design


Graffiti 3D Swinging Daim - Graffiti Graphic Design

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Gang Graffiti

celeb tattoos
Gang graffiti is graffiti that functions as the identification of regional power by writing the name of the alley, alley combined, the members of the gang, or writing about what happened in the alley.

Draw Graffiti on a Surfboard | Graffiti on a Surfboard

celeb tattoos
Draw Graffiti on a Surfboard. Graffiti on a Surfboard. Surfboard designs cool graffiti. Maybe you are interested with graffiti alphabet letters?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mystery Scene Review of 'Fragile' by Lisa Unger

I have a few reviews in the latest Mystery Scene Magazine. I'd like to post each separately over the next week.

The first up is FRAGILE by Lisa Unger. You can read the review here, but in short, this book is awesome.

I happened to run across this post from Lisa's blog, in which she talks about this book and her development as a writer. I think it speaks for itself, but I wanted to highlight a portion of it. Quoting Lisa:

"This story has tried to find its way out in various partials over the years. Always with different voices and never quite succeeding to resolve itself. I was surprised when it surfaced in FRAGILE. And in writing this book I learned something truly interesting: one can have ambitions to write a story but not have the talent or the craft to tell it well. It took the writing of eight novels before I had the skills necessary to tell the story, to write the kind of book that had been simmering for decades."

Congratulations, Lisa! You've succeeded.

How To Create Graffiti For Beginners

Alphabet Graffiti Sketches
celeb tattoos
Graffiti is not making things easy, even for those who are born with talent images. Like many other art forms, no one can was done without a lot of exercise. The easiest way is to create graffiti sketches first.

For those just getting started to plunge into the world of graffiti, it helps sharpen skills in the first sketchbook. Sketching is a very important both in preparation for making graffiti, as well as training activities. Piece is usually nicer if we depart from sketching. In the sketch, we can easily see the piece as a whole (different from the piece on the wall that requires us to move away from the wall to see it fully).

Sketching it does not cost anything and can do in any situation, for example at the time of ride the bus, at a boring lecture hours, at home, anywhere. The most important thing is to always bring paper, pencil, eraser and sharpener wherever we are. Better yet if we have a sketchbook for drawing we can organized.

Of course we can not forever stuck in the sketchbook, sooner or later we must plunge into the wall to see what we have poured the sketch.

Alphabet in Bubble Graffiti Letters | Graffiti Creator

celeb tattoosAlphabet in bubble graffiti letters yellow. Comment if you like graffiti

Black Red Graffiti Alphabet IN VERSCHIEDENEN STYLES


Graffiti Alphabet, Graffiti Letters
Black Red Graffiti Alphabet IN VERSCHIEDENEN STYLES

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Black Sketch Paper : Graffiti Letters "BSB"


Graffiti Letters, Graffiti Sketches
Black Sketch Paper : Graffiti Letters "BSB"

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Graffiti Art

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Graffiti Street Art. Comment if you liked the graffiti

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Peace by the Light of the Moon, Singleton Hippie Art

Peace by the Light of the MoonSingleton Hippie Art (c) 2009SOLDWe swayed....tattered petticoat swooshing in circleson the make believe floor,cowboy boots scuffing,dipping high and lowto the accidental ballroom music...rock and roll in storybook disquise...And we laughed...On the night of the full blue moon...Markers, colored pencils and all that hippie hoo-hah on a morning after...

Graffiti Street Art: Graffiti Mural | Graffiti Alphabet

celeb tattoos
Graffiti Street Art: Graffiti Mural | Graffiti Alphabet. Comment if you like

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Love (Hate) Finding New Authors!

One of the joys of writing book reviews is discovering authors I've never read before.

For instance, I discovered the work of Twist Phelan after picking up one of her books at Book Expo and finding it to be awesome. That's when I started writing reviews (on another blog -- I hadn't thought to start this one yet). When I found a book I really loved (especially by a midlist, small press or indie author that wasn't a household name, but probably should be), I felt almost obliged to tell everyone why they should read it.

This has been true for many authors, including (to name only a few off the top of my head) Megan Abbott, Alex Carr (aka Jenny Siler), Reed Farrel Coleman (aka Tony Spinosa), James Crumley, J.T. Cummins, Christa Faust, Timothy Hallinan, Mercedes Lambert (aka Douglas Ann Munson), Scott Nicholson, C.J. West, Donald Westlake (aka Richard Stark, Tucker Coe, et al.), Simon Wood, Daniel Woodrell, and now Ken Bruen (I'm doing a review for Mystery Scene Magazine of Ken Bruen's upcoming novel and--wow!).

That's just a short list of ones that come right to mind. And it doesn't even count major bestselling authors (such as Walter Mosley, Sue Grafton, Robert Parker, et al.) or classic crime fiction authors (such as Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Ross McDonald, Margaret Millar, et al.).

The thing about these authors is they all have backlists. A few of them stretching out into eternity.

And, once I've found out how great they are, I want to read them all.

This creates something of a love/hate feeling about the whole thing. I really love to read great fiction, but I can only read so fast and I have a limited amount of time I reserve toward reading.

On top of that, I'm well aware that there are many other great authors I haven't even gotten around to reading yet.

To make matters even worse, I've limited the discussion to the mystery, noir, suspense and thriller genre(s?). What about all the great sci-fi? What about the awesome mainstream, commercial and "literary" (whatever that means) fiction? How about historicals? What about memoirs? Non-fiction?

*sigh* Let's face it. I'll never catch up.

3D Graffiti Alphabet From Atlanta

celeb tattoos
Pictures of graffiti art street of Atlanta. 3D graffiti creator and alphabet

Great Orange Graffiti Brushes-Spray Art Design on Trail Craola


GBrushes-Sprayraffiti Art, Graffiti ,
Great Orange Graffiti Art Design on Trail Craola

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Graffiti Creator | Graffiti Street Art | Graffiti Alphabet

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37 Kinds Of Style Graffiti Alphabet

37 graffiti alphabet
37 Examples of different styles of graffiti alphabet letters a-z. Graffiti alphabets with 37 different colors. Comment if you like graffiti

3D Graffiti Alphabet is "Tribal"

celeb tattoos
The picture above is an example of the 3D tribal graffiti alphabet. Graffiti with a color that fit so it looks beautiful. You like the design graffiti alphabet letters? please see. Comment if you like

Panorama 3D Wildstyle Graffiti in the Sky Sunset


Wildstyle Graffiti, 3D Graffiti
Panorama 3D Wildstyle Graffiti in the Sky Sunset

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wild Love, Singleton Hippie Art

WILD LOVE(c) Singleton 2010We tumbleupside and down,lazy in laughter,under a lemonade sky.We whisper secret endingsto untold storiesin late night,too tired,too many Margarita voices...We run barefootedin rain the colors of Christmas tree tinsel,and whenwe's wild"Watercolors, markers, sharpies....Painted in the rain...

Graffiti Character of the Nike World Cup 2010

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Graffiti Character of the Nike World Cup 2010. If you like graffiti alphabet letters and graffiti street art please see

Taggings Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A-Z in Wall Street


Graffiti Alphabet, Graffiti Letters,Alphabet Graffiti
Taggings Graffiti Alphabet : Letters A-Z in Wall Street

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

How Green is Your iPad?

Now and then, I'll run across a bit of news that I'd like to blog about, but won't be sure where to post it. That was definitely the case with this particular item about how "green" an iPad actually is. (And isn't that an awesome photo? I found that here.)

You see, I have five blogs. One of the others is Green Reality Check, on which I try to scrutinize green claims (and discuss unexpected or odd aspects of sustainability and green concepts, in general).

This article would be a perfect fit for that blog, but it also fits quite well with this one. I figure many readers are interested in the sustainability of using an iPad or other electronic device for reading, as opposed to reading DTBs (aka, dead tree books).

Plus the article has an awesomely detailed analysis of the iPad's green qualities, looking at the carbon footprint of iPad versus DTBs and showing how many DTBs you'd have to read in order to create the same footprint as an iPad. They came up with 18, although someone else said it was more like 100. A bit of a difference, I'd say, which makes the point debatable and the article quite appropriate for the green blog. However, even though the analysis (debatable or not) makes it thoroughly appropriate for the other blog, it could also be of interest to book lovers. (Also not sure the analysis takes into account the tendency of ebook readers to simply collect downloads in massive numbers and worry about actually reading them later. *sigh* But, anyway ...)

In addition, the issues of materials used, waste and labor standards in manufacturing facilities are raised, but deferred for a future post. So you might want to be aware of that if you'd like to follow up.

Anyway, I hope you find this educational. (Or, at least, not completely boring.)

Graffiti Letters Mural Design - B.ash Loomit Eitel Muenchen 2009


Graffiti Murals, 3D Graffiti,
Graffiti Letters Mural Design - B.ash Loomit Eitel Muenchen 2009

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Create 3D Graffiti Alphabet | Write My Name in Graffiti

celeb tattoosDraw graffiti | Graffiti how to tag art

How to create a 3D graffiti alphabet easy. One of them makes graffiti alphabet with this web. At the site there are various options fonts.
celeb tattoosNew Graffiti Alphabet

I also can write my name in graffiti. Design examples above is the name of my blog New-Graffiti. I use graffiti fonts 3D and wearing green. Try and create graffiti according to your wishes. A creativity that can be useful to make you find the letters to create graffiti art on the streets.

Some graffiti design:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

3D Women Star Graffiti with 2 Color Yellow and Red


Graffiti Arrow, 3D Graffiti
3D Women Star Graffiti with 2 Color Yellow and Red

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Red and Black Dragon Graffiti Design - Full Effect Photoshop


Graffiti Wallpaper, Graffiti Art
Red and Black Dragon Graffiti Design - Full Effect Photoshop

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Graffiti Text Generator | Graffiti Alphabet

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Graffiti text generator. Graffiti alphabet text. New Graffiti. Maybe you like it with graffiti alphabet letters?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Volatticus Sketch Graffiti Letters "S" on Paper


Graffiti Letters, Graffiti Alphabet
Volatticus Sketch Graffiti Letters "S" on Paper

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Volatticus Sketch Graffiti Letters "S" on Paper

Volatticus Sketch Graffiti Letters "S" on Paper

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Graffiti Generator | 3D Graffiti Alphabet

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Graffiti Generator. 3D Graffiti Alphabet. Write My Name In Graffiti, Via: New Graffiti

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dell Map Back Mysteries: Awesome Collectibles

These days, ebooks are growing in popularity so fast. Many think they could replace print books at some point. (When? No one knows if or when this will happen.)

However, one thing ebooks don't have is a gorgeous cover -- at least, a gorgeous cover you can touch.

The Dell Map Back mysteries of the 1940s and 1950s are examples of such books. Check them out. Those books had some really great covers.

Notice that the fine cover art includes a map of the city (on the back, of course -- thus the moniker) where the crime takes place.

Could they digitize the maps and include them in an ebook? Sure. But would that be the same as holding a book with a "sturdy laminated cover" in your hand? Nope.

Graffiti Alphabet Letters Design on Men T-Shirts


Graffiti Alphabet, Graffiti Letters
Graffiti Alphabet Letters Design on Men T-Shirts

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3D Graffiti Generator

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3D Graffiti Generator, Graffiti Alphabet. Write My Name In Graffiti, Via: New Graffiti

Monday, June 14, 2010

Graffiti Alphabet : Blue Letters A-Z Light Airbrush Style


Graffiti Alphabet, Graffiti Letters,alphabet graffiti
Graffiti Alphabet : Blue Letters A-Z Airbrush Style

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3D Graffiti Creator | Graffiti Artist

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3D Graffiti Creator. Graffiti Artist Via: New Graffiti

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