Saturday, March 31, 2012

Awesome Announcement!

Real quick, because my fingers are really gimpy tired, I just wanted to write about the awesome announcement I made on one of my blogs today. I've volunteered to be a spokesperson for Smashwords, the online retailer that's able to serve all readers no matter what devices they use to read ebooks. Awesome! :D

Now ... rest assured, I still support indie bookstores made of brick and mortar. And I've been remiss in one department. #shameful

However, I will be making my ebooks available in the Google ebookstore, as soon as possible. Promise! :D

And here's a video about the highly-threatening Google ebookstore. Ha ha ha ...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

'Astro City' by Richard Peabody

This isn't a real writer
One of the things I enjoy doing on this blog is featuring the occasional work of short fiction that appears on the Interwebs. As it happens, I heard tell of such a story being available for reading.

This story is called "Astro City" (click on the link to read it) and the author is a DC-area fiction writer named Richard Peabody, who doesn't get nearly enough recognition, frankly. But that's just my opinion.

I've considered suggesting that Peabody publish his work as ebooks, because I think he'd at least do better financially. But that's also just my opinion.

As you can see, the story is published online in Redux: A Literary Journal. The editor is novelist Leslie Pietrzyk, who has a really awesome blog of her own. :)

This is real

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Promoting Literacy with Little Libraries

 "Welcome! This Little Library Needs a Home"

Please click on that link, because it describes a voluntary book exchange program. The program is supported by volunteers and donations. Cash donations can be made online through Paypal, if you choose.

And the program has been in the news. Apparently. Including coverage on NBC Nightly News.

Saturday, March 10 Click and watch.
"All Things Considered" on National Public Radio Listen in!
In USA Today! See the story and photos.
TV News: Building Libraries Behind Bars Watch it
Front Page,
Milwaukee Journal See it.
Little Libraries in Africa! Click here. 

And this is a program to establish exchanging print books for absolutely nothing to people who need them, for the sake of literacy. I wonder if the big online retailer/publisher who cares so much about literacy will be willing to make a huge donation to this program soon. 

PS: I would like to thank Star Lawrence, who owns two blogs— and a recession site called—and posts the occasional guest review on this here blog (to pick up the slack for a very gimpy lazy busy blogger), for alerting me to this awesome literacy program. :D

PPS: Look who made an appearance at the Dunstable, MA public library this very day! Mystery author Dale Phillips. Most awesome! :D

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Psychedelic Bird Nest, Singleton Hippie Art Original

The Psychedelic Bird Nest(c) Singleton Rafia Ribbon and spent matchsticks,Remnants from an old tye dyed bedspread....Tiny little fragmented moments gathered from the the leftovers of everyday livingand woven againinto a harbor....of comfort.....a place of Peace....A nest of memories,of make~overs,and make~believes....A resting place....A beginning place...."Singleton, Artwork and words.Original

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mystery Scene Magazine Review of 'Edge of Dark Water'

Now that my own book launch is over and I've begun running a blue light special on my ebooks (for Kindle AND Nook), this blog can now return to its regular scheduled blogging content. :)

So ... next up is my review for Mystery Scene Magazine of EDGE OF DARK WATER by Joe R. Lansdale, which you can read right here.

Most awesome. :) And the story has a character named Jinx, which is interesting. Because there's another book that also has a character with that name. :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Isn't that awesome? :) I have two reasons to celebrate. It's St. Patrick's Day, and I'm part Irish. Awesome! :)

My book launch for RIPTIDE also winds up today. That means I can stop being a total bitch for Amazon. Hurray! :D

Friday, March 16, 2012

Psychedelic Tidal Pool, Original Singleton Hippie Art

The Psychedelic Tidal Pool(c) SingletonShe lay there,belly down,arms and long fingertips at one with the sand...The gentle green bath water rolling over her,splashing her in salty Peace.It was almost low tide...Almost the New Moon...Almost time for her to move on...To Dance in the deep, deep waters....But for just another moment,she lingered....Daydreams are like that"Words and Hippie Art (c)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Riptide Launch Party is On!

With all due apologies to all the awesome indie booksellers I've tried to support through this blog, I'm taking this opportunity to promote my great big ebook launch on -- yes! -- Amazon US and Amazon UK for RIPTIDE, the third Sam McRae mystery novel. The introductory price is 99 cents for a limited time only.

For details about the launch, including all the ebook giveaways and the charitable donation I hope to make if the book ranks high enough, please click here.

And here's a guest post appearance I made today on Jenny Milchman's blog, Suspense Your Disbelief.

If you'd like to read sample chapters from the book, I'm posting them on my blog.

Feel free to join the Riptide Launch Party on Facebook anytime this week.

PS: In light of what I've blogged about here, I'll get into who Amazon's biggest bitch really may be at a later time on another blog, okay? :)

Wall Decals for Cosy Kitchen Design

Wall Decals for Cosy Kitchen Design. This wall decoration is very unique and attractive, ideal for decorating your Cosy Kitchen Design. wall decal is also easy to create and delete them.

To create a cozy atmosphere of the kitchen and the comfort you are not wrong when choosing vinyl wall decal wall decal or japanese or something. I love these wall hangings, so eat more savory and delicious and convenient kitchen Cosy Kitchen

Add some accesories like exotic flowers will add to your kitchen cozy, unique wall art decor or classic wall decor will also make-your mood more cheerful and energetic.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Jimi in Peace, Singleton Hippie Art Original

Jimi In Peace(c) Singleton 2012"I was dreamingin crazy colors,star spangled glorious colors,and the music wasbanging,clanking,clanging,drifting,and then....everything was draped in Velvet,heavy crushed velvet...andthe Music was The Dream...Wild and wonderful....Alive...I saw him there...behind the curtain...behind the smokey haze....And he was in Peace."Singleton 2012Watercolors, sharpies and

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Two Awesome Authors and the Irony of it All (Updated)

Hello, it's me. I just wanted to tell you that two awesome authors are offering their books for absolutely nothing this weekend on Amazon (of course).

One of them is Simon Swift, whose novel BLACK SHADOWS is awesome (and absolutely FREE on Amazon this weekend), as you can see from the review I wrote and posted on this here blog.

Yes, it has a new and even more awesome cover now, but the content is still brilliant as ever.

The other is Timothy Hallinan, who's so amazing I can't begin to say type enough nice things about him. I'm simply too gimpy overwhelmed to do it.

But, seriously? Edgar nominee? Macavity?

And, lest we forget ... can you say SHAKEN: STORIES FOR JAPAN?

But I digress.

I wanted to tell you about Tim Hallinan's free book this weekend, THE BONE POLISHER.

BTW, I've done a bit of cross-promotion with Timothy on one of my other blogs. It'll give you some idea of what the book is about and how awesome Tim is without me having to retype everything. I love the Internet! :)

And isn't it ironic that all this is about promoting authors who are offering free books through Amazon and helping a gimpy author with her Amazon book launch? Especially a gimpy author who supports indie booksellers.

But, hey -- it's only for a week, right? ;) And if I do well enough, I'm making a charitable donation to the Dalai Lama Mind & Life Institute. Will this qualify as good karma?

PS: I'll overlook the irony of this, if you will. Ahem!

UPDATE: Good grief, I've become so retarded overwhelmed, I completely missed this opportunity to promote my ebooks. Is that ironic or what?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mystery Scene Magazine Review of 'Living Proof'

For those of you who enjoy thrillers, this one's a doozy. You can read my Mystery Scene Magazine review of LIVING PROOF by Kira Peikoff right here.

I'm proud to say the review was even featured prominently in the online review section. :)

And the book was -- dare I say it? -- gripping. :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Peace Love Forever, Singleton and Son Original , Hippie and Flash Art United

Peace Love ForeverSingleton and SonHippie Flash Art Original"Draped lazily over the bed in the Sunday Sun,I painted him a thousand colors,idled away the Sermon Times,inking endless linesup and down his arms,powerful wings across his back,spidering up his neck...untilI could read him like the Sunday Comics....My Tattooed Lover.."Artwork (C) Singleton and SingletonWords (c) Singleton

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