Thursday, September 28, 2006

Relapse, Singleton 2006, Outsider Hippie Art

Relapse, total relapseOutsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006Haunched,ready to run,watching,waiting.Andthe sun was new and yellowand glaring,the coquina under my feetalmost blinding.I almost didn't see you.And when I did...I forgot to save myself from this againrelapse,total relapse.8 1/2 by 11 cardstock. Colored markers, pencils, ink and all that hoo-hahAt home on the living room

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The King of Dread, Singleton, Outsider Art

The Humpty DumptyOutsider Art(c) Singleton 2006All dressed up and on top of the world! King of it all! And then, out of nowhere, Chaos is zooming in, threatening to crack my fragile little self. Arrrrrgggghhhhhh! I'll just stand here and be very very still and "pretend" I'm having peace.... Are we having fun yet?8 1/2 by 11 on cardstockMarkers, colored pencils and penSOLD

Monday, September 25, 2006

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Little Reminders of Voo-Doo, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

Little Reminders ofVoo DooOutsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006 SOLDLike rusty little nails,you hammered your voo-doo who- do into my world.Fooled you, though,moved my love beads farthestfrom my heartAnd you missedOn your very last foolish lungeAnd I'm not empty.But, vacant,And that should have beenwelcomed all alongMarkers, pencils, ink, and a little bit of Joanie on cardstock

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fly Catcher, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

FLY CATCHEROutsider Artwork(c) Singleton 2006SOLDWe know who you are and saw what you didThis isn't some cheap little B rated movie, where you can parade in and out, littering the floors with obscene little motives and leaving your dirty fingerprints across my heart.I am the fly catcherAnd I'll catch youwhen I can

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Don't Look Down, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

(c) Singleton 2006Outsider ArtDON'T LOOK DOWNRock bottom is much further than you thinkSOLDI'll masquerade around, arms tied, pretending to float.SinkingKickinggrappling at the rusty little treasures...waterlogged moths, barely breathing....All dressed up and no place to goExcept tomorrow.Or down.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sorry, Wrong Number , Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

Sorry, wrong number...I'll try again(c) Singleton 2006SOLDAccidents happen.And sometimes they're wonderful.You tumble backwards,feet slipping off the curb,and plow head on into fate...we magically tumble into what was never meant to be,mistakenly thinkingthis is it.Love.And then it hits you.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Wedding Box, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

Wedding BoxOutsider Hippie Keepsake Box(C) Singleton 2006Pretty little flowers scattered all around,I tuck my memories here for safenessthencount to ten's an ever-empty little boxcontents on the floorAnd I see you...watching me...(As if I care)I kick the petals to the sidedancing in the dustand post my keep-out signlike dirty laundry on the lineThe wedding box.And all that other

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pretty Little Story, Singleton 2006

SOLDPretty Little StoryOutsider Art(c)2006, Singleton Little Fairy Teller,You are such a prettystory. You've always wanted torewrite The End with all yourfancy-smancy words .Framed & Double Matted_____________________________________

Friday, September 15, 2006

Peacekeeper, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

PEACEKEEPEROutsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006SOLDI've changed the locksI hope you understandI'll miss your eyesthe see-through color of thin waveskissing sandbarsand the way you threw your head backto laughchugging the good downBut you let the flies inI hope you understandFrom the never-ending stack of 8 1/2 by 11 cardstock...Colored pencils, markers, pen

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Catching Marbles in the Rain, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

Catching Marbles in The RainOutsider Art(c) Singleton 2006SOLDIn the early morning, sleepless,"wandering the halls til almost dawn"hoursI gave up andtrapsed outsidehead bangingcoughingfrom a too late nightandfound her theredancing in the knee high grass,catching marbles in the rain.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Cinderella, Singleton

Cinderella © 2006, SingletonDid you really think you could walk in Glass Slippers? With your dirty little feet? Happy Halloween...Get swept away...Jump in the Pumpkin & Run!SOLDFramed & Matted, 10" x 10"________________________________________________

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Barefoot WitchOutsider Art(c)2006,SingletonMatted & Framed10" x 10"To Be Listed Soon

Rumors, Singleton 2006, Outsider hippie Art

RUMORS(c) Singleton 2006Self Portrait from the BarUnfinishedSold We all have good intentions,we start out meaning well...naughty little demons,broken charms around my neckAnd it's the morning after,in the face that faces me,that reminds me that I'm haunted...Ink, markers, pencils, bottlecaps, Michelob label, acrylics, scribblings on canvas; sealedUnfinished, but over, done, movin'on because at

Fairyteller, Singleton 2006, Outsider Art

FAIRYTELLEROutsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006Don't think that for one momentI believeyour stupid little ghost stories.I'm just listening...choosing to take the sepia remnants of your bruised and batteredauraand remember the afterglow

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Peek-a-boo, Singleton

Peek-a-BooOutsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006Oh, he's there.Peeking through borrowed eyes,listening to second hand stories,Parading around in a paper bag maskliving the perfect lifeWatchingAnd waitingpen and colored markers on another one of Curt's Coffee Table Envelopes

Friday, September 8, 2006

Kaleidescope Kite, Singleton

Kaleidescope KiteOutsider Hippie Art on legal envelope(C) Singleton 2006My fingers clutch at the tattered string,and the pretty little kite floats away...I'm dancing in our daydream,tethered to your and bluejeaned withthe music barely onAn empty sky swallows wholewhat was and "what should never be"But it's your words I miss the most.Color markers and pen on another empty

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Words you'll never know, Singleton

Words Outsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006Peace.Love.You will never hear,never read,never imagine.Tucked safely hereIn a found envelopeAddressed to no one."Send me words" you used to say...and I did...morning bouquets of peace and love and startling relevations... that rocked your world...but you didn't protect them. Guard them like your virginity. And now they are spoiled. And so what's left,

Paper Kites, Singleton

ENVELOPE # FOUROutsider Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2006Empty little suitcasesfilled with nothing, but my thoughtsPaper kites I'll never fly,never leave for you to find.Addressed to no one in particularin case they lose their wayEmpty little suitcases,filled with nothing, but my heartPen and colored markers on legal envelope

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Just Stop Talking, Singleton 2006

Just Stop Talking(c) Singleton 2006YourIncessant chattering,noise,background staticis raining on my peaceYou're alwaysflapping at the jaws...and never listening...

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Ashes, Ashes...We All Fall Down, Singleton

Ring around the Dead Posies...(c) Singleton 2006Outsider Hippie ArtSOLDHere lie the words, the many many words, the moments like a memory, the magic.....of days gone by,of days cradled,of days counted.cherished,and cussed."I've loved you for a million years" ...."see me, feel me, touch me"I believe.Do you hear me now?And they all fall down.

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Page 148 from my Journal, Singleton, 2006 Outsider Art

(c) Singleton 2006Page 148 From My JournalSOLD TO A BEAUTIFUL SOULThis is what Sunday Morning looks like,feels like,sounds like. Listening between the lines.Running.Falling.Drenched.

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