Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dropping Like Flies

As I'm sure you've probably noticed (but I'll blog about anyway), some really good authors have died recently.

First, Robert Parker went--Sara Weinman's blog has a comprehensive round-up of retrospectives on him.

Then, J.D. Salinger bought it. So much for Holden Caulfield's creator. I'd wish him good luck in the next realm of existence (assuming there is one), if I could just stop thinking of how much Holden hated the phrase "good luck." As I recall, his thoughts were that if someone said "good luck," it was because the person assumed you'd need it.

Oh, yeah, and here's some more Salinger retrospectives: in The Times Online, Salon and the New York Times. Plus a brief round-up of reviews of Salinger's work.

Not only that, but Howard Zinn, the multi-talented author of A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES--well, he's shuffled off this mortal coil, too. As this man puts it, "Shit. Just . . . shit."

What more is there to say? Good night and good luck.

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