Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Ring, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
THE RINGOutsider Woman Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2007SOLDImposssible...This trinket...accidently lost...It's owner paying no mind...When the salty fingers of fatespider-danced up into the sandand stole, quickly,the glittered past...Impossible...This trinket...tumbling slowly...lazily...in an oceanic wombof safeness,and thenClink.....Landing at my toes....Pencils, ink, markers, my life and all that
Saturday, February 24, 2007
And I Can't Breathe, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
And I Can't Breathe...Outsider Hippie Woman Artwork(c) Singleton 2007SOLD to the Keeper of My StoriesIt's quicksandandwe're running in place,digging our toes in deeper,drowning....And I can't breathe,There isn't any air...The quicksand,wet and thick andsomehow alive,swallowing our footsteps...erasing our past...Making us impossible to find...Colored Pencils, Markers, Ink and all that hoo-hah on
MARTINI MOON (c) Singleton Outsider Art 2007
Martini MoonOutsider Woman Hippie Artwork(C)2007, SingletonI wasn't lookingSo I can't look you in the eyes.I have to sneak peeks,So I'll rememberin the morning,or maybe forever...dancingever so slowto The National AnthemAnd it's so hot in here...with Jimmy Page and Tina Turnerwallsholding up the sky...But we laugh,andever so slow,under the blue martini moon...I find your eyes8 1/2 by 11 on
Friday, February 23, 2007
Last Call, (c) 2007 Singleton, Outsider Art
Last CallOutsider Woman Hippie Art(c) Singleton 2007I'll stop...for just a moment....Scooch closer to hear your voice,feel your smokey breath...a butterfly ghost on my cheek..."So...."You'll sayAnd I'll dig my toes into the sandAnd feel the dirty tide waterrising.You pour your heart out..."That's everything" you say...And I'm wading in your after party,treading through your stories....In the
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Just Give Me Peace Dot Com
We have heard that if something is too easy, it's not worth havingWho really knows? But we're on the road to find out...Please join us in the hippie parade...Check out our new website underwayand follow our links there for some wonderful alternative artworkpeace, love, patience, perseverance & special thanks to the butterfly wings & lotus blossoms that help to give us flight...Fly high, be free &
Broken, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
Broken,Outsider Woman Hippie Artwork(c) Singleton 2007Silly man,I twined my life togetherwith old leather.Ask any biker,it only gets stronger...Aged, it's silky patinaglides, slides, rides....You think you broke the chainwith your charm,but I'm floating,Simply resting at the Seawall...Treasure huntingwith my toes....
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Other Fish in the Sea, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
Other Fish In The Sea(c) Singleton 2007Outsider Woman Hippie ArtistSOLDI see you.Barely there..A shadowon the other side ofThe filthy glass wall...The water is so murky,smokey,polluted...And my fingerstrace your faceAndtouch you...Your hand on mine...In the deep deep water...Break the glass
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
THE RED SHIRT, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
(c) Singleton 2007Outsider Woman Hippie ArtThe RED ShirtSOLDI see youwith your borrowed bar room eyes...watching.But you didn't count onall those drinks...Your spy slipping intoan early pity party,elbows on the bar,face falling gentlyinto the glittered shot...And I waited.Saved the last dance...For the get-away.81/2 by 11 cardstock, colored pencils, markers, ink, and all that hoo-hah late at
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