Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Pusher, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art

The Pusher,Outsider Hippie Woman Artwork(c) Singleton 2007SOLDIt's darkand there's nothing.I can't breathe,but I hear butterflies panting, whispering...and I know you're there...Waiting....With the fix.I'm tainted now.Torn.Thorned.Breathless.And then it's dark again,and there's nothing.Nothing at all but the butterfliespanting, whispering, dancing in the dark.....8 1/2 by 11 on cardstock. All

Saturday, March 24, 2007

In the Weeds....., Outsider Art, Singleton 2007

In the Weeds....Outsider Hippie Woman Art(c) Singleton 2007SOLDTangled up in the sheets,the stories,your eyes...Running knee high throughthe weeds....Dandelions brushing long legsWe laughAnd I fall asleepwith eyes wide open.....kickingatthe covers.....81/2 by 11 on cardstock. Colored pencils, markers, pens and all that peaceful hoo hah...

Simply Saturday, outsider hippie art, Singleton 2007

(c) Singleton 2007SIMPLY SATURDAYOutsider Hippie Woman ArtSOLDTattered little wingsstrung around my neck,Feathered Trinkets falling to the ground....Dancing in the dustDancing in the pastDancing in the oldAnd it's all newAnd I've never been here beforeAnd never seen your face, your eyes, your smile...Felt your breathe....But it's the new lovethat's the oldest.....And I've missed you for a

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