Sunday, July 29, 2007
Fortune Teller, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
FORTUNE TELLER(c) Singleton 2007A carnival at the seaaliveandspinningneon noiseandall for freefortunes andcheap plush toys.....But you don't see it,standing there.Dressed in your successwith life linesparenthesison what once was your smileand laugh lineshidden inyour palm,a souvenier token....From the fortune teller...Cheap little thrill rider.....
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wasted, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
WASTED(c) Singleton 2007You didn't knowand youcouldn't thinkandit wouldn't havematteredif youdid.Youwere justdrifting,collectingFriday night beersand quarters tocall home with.And last call,came way to soonandmidnight laylike a wet blanketsuffocatingpushingyouunder.And you made your wish,if I could have one wish..."I just want you to love me"and I laughed at the sillyface you made...Wasted words
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Are you there?, Singleton 2007 outsider art, Bachman 2007 words
The Best of TimesAre You Still There?Outsider Hippie Chick ArtGoodbyeblackandbluejeans(C) Singleton 2007 Artwork(C) Bachman 2007 PoetryBlack andbluejean goodbye;golden sheon the rockstechnicolor glorysaving all the bestfor first,for last..and between.Are you out there,yes, youbutterfly amplifier?are you on the eleven?say what?say what again...You know only one voiceand it's feeding youevery
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Wet Paper, Singleton, 2007, outsider art
Wet PaperOutsider Hippie Woman Artist(c) Singleton 2007She watcheswith sultrydrug-store eyesand feedsyoueverylineshe'sever memorized fromthe jacket of aHarold Robbin's novel,and yougothere...youthought forjust a moment,there was something so familiaryou had to touchto haveto try to feel again.But the flowers in her hairare plasticand herwordsaredirty lipstick smudgesonwet're damaged
Sunday, July 8, 2007
And I'm pale now, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
And I'm pale,now...Outsider Hippie Artist Girl(c) Singleton 2007SOLDInthe dreamI wasmaking charmsfromrattlesnakebites,collecting themlike bottlecaps,souveniersfromsomepoisenousvenomnessplace.In the morning's heavy breath,I shed my nightime skin,crawl out from under the covers,and find,I'm an opaque,albino coloredmess....but themarks are goneandIsaved the rattlersto makemusic with.....
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Three Hundred and Sixty Five, 2007, Singleton Outsider Art, Bachman words
THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVEOutsider Hippie Woman Art Artwork (c) Singleton 2007 Poetry (c) Bachman 2007every string of hats from dead cowboyseach face painted with a new life; Some found that old Boot Hill was all of the three hundred and sixty five one night stands...Every dead cowboy met his matchon that one night he stood up to you; my strangerhow many hats do you own? do you wear?how many
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Gimme Peace, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
Gimme PeaceOutsider Hippie Female Art(C) 2007 SingletonSOLDJust give me peaceandyou can keepthe change.....I'll float...fudgesicle in a coffee cup....melting......Hippie Journals available nowColored markers, ink, pencils and all that hoo-hah on a rainy day...8 1/2 by 11
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