Friday, August 31, 2007
The Cast Iron Harlot, Singleton 2007 Outsider Hippie Art
THE CAST IRON HARLOTSingleton 2007SOLDNeon signsflying by,blowing in the wind,toppled over....roadside crossesblurred....daringus togo fasterjump the bridge,crash....I woke upwithpopcorn in my hair...and the dream,nothing morethankool-aid stains,dancing on thewhite-whiteof innocenceorfoolishness.Faster, please....
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Chapter Book, Singleton 2007, Outsider Art
CHAPTER BOOK(c) Singleton 2007The pages are wetSalt soakedyellowedand sun bleachedand there's no endingor beginningFaceless peoplewithsorry other storiesflipthrough the wordstaking what they wantand making updimestore dramato fill the void.Fate or chance?You wrote the book.And the pages didn't really blow werejust chickenand tore them outto make it look that way...No wonder you're
Sunday, August 5, 2007
In Blue Mascara, Singleton 2007 Outsider Hippie Art
In Blue Mascara(c) Singleton 2007"I'll be mad"I said.And I'm sorry.I don't want to rememeber yourflitting, flirting, buy-one-free-get-one-freeeyes that way,swiping me withstolen blinks.Your lipsscrunchingin a knot,thinking,your smile,pink kool-aid just belowyour nose,betwitched.But I'm mad now,andI'm wearingblue mascara....
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