Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tink you, baby, Singleton 2007 Outsider Hippie Art

Tink you, Baby!(c) Singleton 2007SOLDCatch me if you can,a butterfly parade in the wet morning grass,yellow and mellow, dancing in pinstriped socks,in the face of graffiti splashed on a ricketyfence,an underpass,a concrete wall...."She was here"......In Christmas tinsel,spider web strings,silvery summer rain,the last strand, the next strand, the lost strandof long blonde hair......Catch me if

Sunday, December 23, 2007

And there will be peace, Singleton 2007 Outsider hippie art

And there will be Peace(c) Singleton 2007The hawk hoveredgliding/slicingpapercutting the skyinto a zillion littlepieces ofbaby blueindigo blueforgotten blueconfettirainingfallingcrashingdownInto the moonlit and henna dirtymudpuddleAnd I watched my reflection there....waiting....On the sky to sinka thousand 501 bluesin jagged little piecesto the very bottom,heavyand fading...And for the sun to

Sunday, December 9, 2007

All I want for Christmas, Singleton Outsider Hippie Art

All I want for Christmas(c) Singleton 2007 She whispered tothe wind,who always listens,to the painted fence,a wooden confidant,the bouganvilla,with it's drunkenblooms,cups filled overflowing,moonshine for the soulsof butterflies..."All I want for Christmas,are trinket twigsto build this nest,this next,this everything to come,and stonesto line theskipping path,torock and rollme home....All I

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Superstitions, Singleton Outsider Hippie Art

Superstitions(c) Singleton 2007She knelt...The girl with thesilver spoon,bent andrustedscrapedon the sidewalkfrom scavengingfood for the soul,andplaced her hands,palms downon the coolwet earthto feel it's heartbeat.And she heardthe trains,one thousand faces inthe windowsgoing nowhere,and the bottom of the ocean,ten million milesoffairytale lifefloating,andthe sound ofcolor,never heard by anyone

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