Monday, September 1, 2008

The New Curtis Sittenfeld Book

The Reader's Advisor Online notes that the new Curtis Sittenfeld book, AMERICAN WIFE, will be among the new fall releases coming to stores this week (or tomorrow, to be exact).

I happened to notice this review of the book in the NY Times, which caught my eye not only because I read Sittenfeld's last book, PREP, and enjoyed it, but because it included so much discussion of PREP. And I was terribly happy to see that someone other than myself (Joyce Carol Oates, no less) had noticed that Lee Fiora, the protagonist in PREP (contrary to what some of the book's blurbs would have you believe), was not a female version of JD Salinger's Holden Caulfield in any way, shape or form--hell, she was Holden's complete opposite, if she was anything. Holden was an outsider who rejected the prep school "in crowd"--Lee wanted to belong to the "in crowd" so badly, she treated her down-to-earth, Midwestern family like shit when they visited her at one point.

I'm just so glad someone else noticed--and used the opportunity of reviewing the author's next book to point this out.

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