Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Online Book Recommendations

Here's an interesting new search engine to try. A site that will recommend books based on the author and title you type in.

I tried searching on "Walter Mosley" and it asked (Google-like) if I meant DEVIL IN A BLUE DRESS by that author. I said, sure--why not? Hit return. And got some interesting results.

HITMAN: A STANLEY HASTINGS MYSTERY by Parnell Hall--that I can understand. But HANS SOLO'S REVENGE and STAR TREK - SAREK? Not sure where those came from.

Farther down , it says, "To get more accurate suggestions, add more books you've loved to your list - to do this you'll need to register." Ah, there's the catch.

Think I'll just keep choosing books the old fashioned way. Learn about them and decide for myself.

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