Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Just a Few Reading Suggestions

If you're looking for book ideas (like there's a shortage? LOL), you might want to try one of the crime fiction classics--one of the 100 Best Crime Books Ever Written (at least, in someone's opinion). I always wonder about the criteria used to make these lists. Why, for instance, in the hardboiled section, was Sue Grafton chosen instead of Marcia Muller (who invented the hardboiled female protagonist Sharon McCone before Kinsey Millhone came on the scene)? Why Grafton instead of Sara Paretsky, who created V.I. Warshawski? And did they pick A IS FOR ALIBI simply because it was first? I mean, I liked it, but I'm not sure it was the best of the series.

Okay, whatever.

And, in honor of the occasion, here are 27 Graphic Novels for Women's History Month.

I usually associate graphic novels with cartoonish action-adventure stories, not with some of the selections I see on this list.

Photo from http://www.flickr.com/photos/hawkexpress/ / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Just more possibilities for your TBR pile, brought to you by The Reader's Advisor Online. (My usual source of too much information. :))

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