Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Amazon Book Launch: The Final Hour

It's coming down to the final hour of the big Amazon book launch promo for my novel, IDENTITY CRISIS. I must say, the results have been astonishingly good. While it doesn't look like I'll hit #1 on Amazon (short of a minor miracle, which I really can't rule out), I've managed to reach an amazing ranking.

While the launch started off slow and with my rank down in the millions, it took a sudden quantum leap into the 100 thousands at around 6 p.m. EDT. Although it lingered in that range for the next couple of hours, it took yet another leap into the five-figure range -- namely #29,415!! -- by 8 p.m. EDT.

It's almost 11 p.m. EDT, so I'm going to check the rank again, just to see how we're doing. Could there be another jump? Have I reached my limit? Only one way to find out and that's to take a look, so excuse me while I do that.

(minutes go by)

(a few more minutes go by)

Sorry to keep you waiting. I was just so excited, I was out of breath for a moment. Just a sec. (pauses to breath deeply and evenly) Okay, thanks, that's better. Oh, yes. I have great news. My rank, which HAD gone down in the previous hour, has risen again! It's at #25,749!! That's even higher than before.

So -- yay.

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