Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Top 10 Bestselling Vooks

Ever wonder what the top ten bestselling vooks "of all time" (yes, tongue firmly in cheek here) are? Sure you have, right? Well, here they are on Vook's blog. (Where else?)

Some of you may be wondering, "What the heck is a vook, anyway? I mean, I've heard of them, but just what ARE they???"

Well, according to Vook.com, a vook is "a new innovation in reading that blends a well-written book, high-quality video and the power of the Internet into a single, complete story. You can read your book, watch videos that enhance the story and connect with authors and your friends through social media all on one screen, without switching between platforms."

Got it? Yeah, right.

Perhaps pictures will speak louder than words about the whole thing.

Watch What is a Vook? Vook: Read it, Watch it. in Entertainment | View More Free Videos Online at Veoh.com

Got it now? How very multi-media. However, even with all these technological bells and whistles, I'll never stop loving stories told in just words. Because words can have incredible power in and of themselves.

I'll admit the possibility of combining sound and images (static or moving) with text has a certain appeal. Even the ability to flip around to different texts "without changing platforms" has its pluses. But I see these abilities as being more beneficial for non-fiction than fiction.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I can't help feeling fond of a plain, unadorned tale told with mere words (either printed or in pixels).

All those whirling images seem to create an ADD-induced lack of attention and focus that words alone demand. Rather than pull me into the material, the whirling images seem to create more distance.

Call me an old fogey, but I doubt a vook (bells, whistles and all) could ever create in me the emotional resonance a story told in mere words can.

Of course, vooks are pretty new. And I never thought I'd own a Kindle. :)

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