Saturday, December 24, 2011

Books to Read Over Winter Break

Frankly, I'm not a huge fan of winter. It's a great time to stay indoors and read lots of books. This is especially true when it snows. Because I'm not a big fan of snow, at all.

Well, one the books, THE LEFTOVERS, has actually been reviewed on this blog.

What do you know? :)

And I really hate snow.

So, happy holidays. However you choose to celebrate them. And happy reading!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Actual Bookstores are Way Cool

Credit: AP
You know, I won't deny that I've benefited financially as an author from online sales of my books in electronic format, especially through Amazon. Since Amazon is a mammoth online retailer, what would you expect? Chopped liver?

However, that doesn't mean I agree with the recent article in Slate, that actually argued against supporting local booksellers in favor of Amazon. Seriously? WTF?

Why can't they all co-exist? Real brick and mortar bookstores have their benefits, don't they?

Yes, they do. And this article talks about that.

I urge you to read the whole thing, but the intro will give you the general idea: 

On a recent evening in Washington, D.C., Kramerbooks was hopping. Getting inside meant actually shimmying past people who were chatting and poring over the stacks. There’s a restaurant in the back, but on this particular night there was no wait for a table, so it’s safe to say that the vast majority of these people were using Kramerbooks as a place to hang out.

Two doors down, at Beadazzled, a bead and jewelry shop, no such crowd could be found. Both stores are independently owned, well-liked local institutions that have been in D.C. for decades. But Kramerbooks is a hive of ebullient chatter on any given night and Beadazzled isn’t. Why do bookstores so often become magnets for bustling urban activity?

Bookstores enjoy a rare trait: To many, the store itself is seen as at least as important to the community as the product it sells. There are several reasons for this, which is why a Slate story published earlier this week called “Don’t Support Your Local Bookseller” has sparked a small online uprising of indignant bookworms. In the story — so paint-by-numbers counterintuitive that it almost reads as a parody of a Slate piece — Farhad Manjoo argued that people should buy books on Amazon and let independent bookshops wither. “Buying books on Amazon is better for authors, better for the economy, and better for you,” he writes.

Authors and economists can duke it out over the first two claims. But “better for you” is a lot of B.S.  if you are lucky enough to live somewhere that has a quality independent bookstore. (And if you live in the suburbs, I bet it’s hard to find a parking spot by your local Barnes & Noble on a Friday night, just as it was at Borders, before bad business decisions pushed it into bankruptcy.) Unlike almost any other kind of retail establishment, bookstores operate as quasi-public neighborhood trusts that give city dwellers more than they receive in return. Like art galleries, they’re a free-of-charge indoor urban venue where you can make yourself comfortable without being expected to eat something, drink something, or even buy something.

This is why the most-loved bookstores tend to hang on: Kramerbooks and Politics & Prose in D.C., The Strand and McNally-Jackson in New York, Skylight and Book Soup in Los Angeles, Tattered Cover in Denver, Book People in Austin, Texas — the list goes on. Their patrons are numerous enough that even if only a fraction of them make a purchase it adds up to a profit. That doesn’t really make them like Whole Foods, as Manjoo suggests. Yes, both Whole Foods and independent bookstores provide a luxury shopping experience, but bookstores provide a cooperative aspect that goes well beyond that. No one goes to Whole Foods just to soak up the atmosphere — everyone’s ultimately there to buy quinoa and ramps. Bookstores, on the other hand, function as communal spaces, which makes them valuable urban amenities.

Nice rebuttal!

Besides (and in my own experience), how are you going to buy a decent espresso (at a place that reminds you of Italy) or get to hear a really great author give a talk before a signing on Amazon? Hmm? :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Art Wall Decor | How To Manasge Art Decor for Your Walls

Manage Art Wall Decor
Mirror Wall Decor

When you step inside a house or any place you visit, the first thing you will probably notice is its wall decor. A suitable wall art decor can definitely catch attention and can even impress the guests and anyone who will be able to see it. If you are a home owner, you might be thinking how can you make your home a much better place for your family to enjoy.

A wall art and decor must be best in terms of uniqueness, style, and cost. Then go for the type which you have planned. Decorating ideas is very crucial in terms of selecting a wall art and decor. When selecting wall art, we have several options, including paintings, grilles, mirrors, shelves, and others. The choices we make regarding these items are important. Some of the most important selections involve the type of wall art is size, the arrangement we will use, and the wall art's color.
Grouping Photographs and other wall decors:
Framed photos, art prints and posters can be hung by grouping them to look professional. It shows unity when you display art prints, photographs and pictures together. Even pictures with different shapes and sizes but having the same frame color and mount will show unity.

It is also very important to hang frames with uniform spacing. The common mistake in hanging frames is to hang them higher than "eye level" of an average person on walls of the hallways or entry ways where people view them while standing. When hanging them in the walls of the living room and dining area, framed displays should be at eye level which is about 6 to 9 inches above the furniture when you're seated. To manage wall art decor you must read 5 tips from Amy C below:

Dealing with large walls:
The wide space you have to cover makes it a little harder to decorate large walls than smaller ones. When things you hang on the wall are not in proportion, it looks awkward. An effective way to deal with large walls is to hang framed photographs across the wall in several rows arranged in straight line or in any pattern you want.

Using Mirrors and Metal Art:
A mirror can make a room look larger and it can add dimensions. Wall mirrors come in different styles and designs. It is also a good way to decorate your wall with metal arts crafted from brass or silver. These kinds of wall art are unique and not so many people use them.

Tiles are contemporary wall decors:
You can easily buy some pieces of tiles and add your personal artistic touch.

Manage Art Wall Decor
Curtain Wall Decor
Curtains and shelves:
Curtains are always important to add a warm and cozy look. Curtains enhance the look of the wall. Shelves add beauty when placed across a wall where you can display books and other decors.

Manage Art Wall Decor
Wall Shelves Decor
You can create your own unique style. Art decors can easily enhance the indoor mood. This is an excellent opportunity to show your personal expression through the decors that you hang on your wall. It can be classic, modern, funny, romantic or contemporary. You'll never be short of choices to make a great looking wall.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

20 Essential Books About Special Education

Once again, I have an article to share with an interesting list of books. In this case, it's a list of books about special education.

I'll just quote a bit from the article to give you an idea, okay?

Special education teachers require a very specific set of skills if they hope to do right by their students. Even the best make mistakes, but opening up to what others have to say and offer grants them an excellent opportunity to learn and forge viable future solutions. That’s why reading proves fundamental when entering the industry. Without the free exchange of ideas and insights, many promising kids and teens with special needs might not receive the educational opportunities that are their right.

Plenty of fantastic reads exist beyond this, of course, so read these selections and use them as an introduction to all the varying perspectives out there. This list strives more for diversity rather than any one facet in particular. Don’t take it personally if a favorite ended up left off. That doesn’t make it a bad book by any means!

Well, of course not. All books are special, right? And somehow this topic reminds me of this heartbreaking movie.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Berkley Book Corner

As part of my continuing show of support for indie bookstores, I'm blogging about The Berkley Book Corner, which opened not too long ago.

It should be noted that this bookstore is located in Berkley, Michigan -- not Berkeley, California.

So ... I was trying to find things online that would express the essence of Berkley to readers.

A Google search produced the usual Chamber of Commerce stuff. All well and good, but BOH-ring!

Then, I turned to my old friend Google images. And what did I find?

This cool movie marquee ...

This awesome T-shirt ...

And a photo of Curtis Armstrong ... ?

Turns out that both Curtis Armstrong and Marshall Crenshaw are from Berkley, Michigan.

Now isn't that something?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

50 Best Books for American History Buffs

If you enjoy history, here's a list of books you might like. An article called 50 Best Books for American History Buffs provides a list that runs the gamut from colonial American times onward.

I'll quote the article, word for word:

While a young country in comparison to many others around the globe, the United States nonetheless has a rich and engaging history. 

From the early days of settlement on the East Coast, to the wild days of outlaws and Indian wars in the West, from shore to shore, there is plenty to learn about when it comes to studying how our country came to be the nation that it is today.

Isn't that interesting? But wait! There's more.

Best of all, you don't have to major in history to do it. All you need is a passion for history and a few good books.

Here we've compiled a list of just a few of these wonderful books on America's past that offer an education on the complexities of the history of our country you likely didn't even touch upon in your previous history courses.

Yeah, complexities ...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's All About the Money and Family in 'Steal the Show'

Review: STEAL THE SHOW (Minotaur Books 2011)
Author: Thomas Kaufman

Willis Gidney isn't your average private eye. For one thing, he was raised in the tender loving care of the Washington, D.C. juvenile justice system. Which is to say, he grew up hard and fast.

Incidentally, Gidney is a white man. For good or ill, race plays a significant role. D.C. has a large black population. And it's juvenile justice system is no exception. So Gidney grew up a minority within that system, as well as one within his own hometown.

He's also unmarried and looking to adopt a daughter who's currently in the clutches care of the D.C. Adoptive Services agency. Her name is Sarah. Well, Gidney calls her Sarah, anyway. Her actual name is Baby Jane Doe or some really institutional "who gives a good crap about you" name.

And wouldn't you know that Gidney's case worker turns out to be the biggest b*tch most ruthless bureaucrat of them all.

So Gidney really needs to get his hands on some moolah big time. To pay his lawyer. So he can grease the legal wheels and adopt this kid.

As a result, Gidney does just about the stupidest most desperate thing you can imagine. He agrees to break into a warehouse and ends up finding a lot of movie pirating equipment.

But he does it for the money, so he can grease the wheels and get the kid, so it's okay, right? No, it's not.

Turns out his client is an asshole a jerk and takes pictures of him breaking into the warehouse. Imagine!

So then the client uses the pictures to force Gidney to work for his father. The client's father, that is. Gidney don't have no daddy, remember? :( Anyhow, Gidney is forced to work for the client's dad, a lobbyist for motion pictures. Don't ask. He needs the money, okay?

Plus, have I mentioned how much I like Gidney? He's really awesome, tough and funny. Plus, Thomas Kaufman writes about D.C. with a style that's wholly his own. He captures the feel of the place perfectly. His prose reflects the hardboiled sensibilities of a modern Raymond Chandler, but does so in a fresh and unique way.

As for the plot, I don't dare tell more for risk of spoilers. Just know that Gidney's girlfriend, Lilly, is an important part of it. Gidney and Lilly share many touching scenes together. (No pun intended. Ha ha ... ) The book also features many other colorful characters, like his clever, albino attorney, various ruthless ganstas and a diva actress who tries to seduce Gidney while impaling his foot with her spike-heeled shoe. Nice! And as is customary for hardboiled mysteries, this one's got twists and turns aplenty.

So ... why is the book called STEAL THE SHOW? Because it involves film piracy. However, the great director Alfred Hitchcock used a plot device called a MacGuffin. It was a thing the characters sought or desired that was used to drive the plot, which could end up being essentially meaningless in the grand scheme. In my opinion, the film piracy in this novel seems like a MacGuffin. This story is really about Gidney's need for money and his desire for a family. This gives the book far more emotional resonance than the average private eye novel. Pretty damned awesome.

PS: How does someone in the trunk of a car survive an accident in which the auto flips over, crashes and burns, then emerge from the trunk without a scratch? I don't think so ...

PPS: It's Hopkins Street, not Hopkins Place. Ahem! :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mystery Scene Magazine Review of 'City of Whispers'

Before the awesome Sara Paretsky (who I've just found out is on Twitter and is a cappuccino drinker -- love it!) and even the amazing Sue Grafton (who I heart so dearly), there was Marcia Muller.

As you can see, Muller endures. CITY OF WHISPERS is her 28th Sharon McCone mystery, and I reviewed it for Mystery Scene Magazine. Here's the link to the review right here.

I love hardboiled mystery writing women. And I love the Internet. :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Libraries -- I Remember When They Came in Buildings

You know, when I read this article about the Occupy Wall Street Library, I wondered, "What kind of librarian carts books outside and leaves them for days weeks months at a time under a tent? Seriously?"

So ... the article says (and I quote): 

The NYPD raided the Occupy Wall Street camp in Zuccotti Park last night, tossing tents, tarps, pallets, sleeping bags and 5,554 books into dump trucks. This afternoon, the Mayor’s Offices released the photograph embedded above with some welcome news: “Property from #Zuccotti, incl #OWS library, safely stored @ 57th St Sanit Garage; can be picked up Weds.” However, activists reported that books were damaged or lost.

The OWS Library posted this response: “We’re glad to see some books are OK. Now, where are the rest of the books and our shelter and our boxes? Nice try guys, but we won’t be convinced until we actually have all our undamaged property returned to us.”

Hey, stupid. Try not storing things made out of paper outside. Are you real librarians? Didn't they teach you anything about book preservation when you got your library science degrees? The whole idea is to protect books from the elements not expose them to same!

And it's not the cops' job to look after these books. Duh! It's yours. You're the librarians. Dumbass librarians. Apparently.

Tonight ReOccupy Writers will help rebuild the library in a rally in Foley Square. Even though the New York City camp has been cleared, these People’s Libraries are popping up around the country. We are building a list of Digital People’s Libraries, if you want to contribute.

Yeah, I'll get right on that. Dumbasses. 

The Occupy Wall Street librarians tweeted the eviction all night:

“NYPD destroying american cultural history, they’re destroying the documents, the books, the artwork of an event in our nation’s history … 

Right now, the NYPD are throwing over 5,000 books from our library into a dumpster. Will they burn them?”

No, no, no ... cops don't burn books. Firemen burn books, right?

Of course, I also thought librarians protected books from the elements. But, hey, what do I know ...?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Please, Tell Me This is a Big Joke

That's exactly what I thought when I saw an article with the headline Should YouTube Add a Literature Category?

I was like ... seriously?

Fortunately, it wasn't. Maybe.

The article featured a video called 50 Book Spoilers in 4 Minutes.

The video looked, for all the world, like a big joke.

But then, I read the article.

And here's what it said, word for freaking word (parts bolded by me for emphasis): 

Fiction Circus has launched a movement to create a “literature” category on YouTube, hoping to build a new space for authors and readers on the video sharing site. For instance, the 50 Books Spoilers in 4 Minutes video embedded above was put in the “Entertainment” category, despite the fact that it deals with 50 great works of literature.

Check it out: “You will note that while Google has made serious, extremely well-organized attempts to purchase and control all out-of-print literature and create a massive online digital library, they have not bothered to create a ‘literature’ category for YouTube, revealing once again that they would be terrible shepherds for the human inheritance of written knowledge. Perhaps it can be argued that literature is ‘entertainment.’ But aligning literature with ‘entertainment’ is disingenuous. Literature is never merely ‘entertainment.’”

Disingenuous? Hmm ... the last time I checked, that word meant "lacking in candor; also : giving a false appearance of simple, etc., etc. ..." In short, I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In 'Stirred', Jack Daniels Takes the Highway to Hell

Review: STIRRED (Thomas & Mercer 2011)
Authors: Blake Crouch and J.A. Konrath

STIRRED finds (retired) Lieutenant Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels (formerly) of the Chicago Police Department seated not-so-comfortably in the ER with her significant other, Phin, a bank robber-turned-nice guy. Apparently. Jack is, not to put too fine a point on it, preggers out to here. Eight and half months into pregnancy and suffering from preeclampsia. As in pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia being a condition that could kill her and/or her unborn child. So. Not. Cool.

Mid-examination, Jack learns that a sociopath named Luther Kite -- a man she both hates and fears more than anyone else on earth -- has killed someone in the most spectacular way.

Well, what's a little eclampsia when a maniac is out there, maybe after your ass? Jack hops off the table, pulls her clothes on (maybe), runs out the freaking door and catches a ride with her reluctant chauffeur/business partner Harry McGlade straight to the crime scene.

And learns that Luther left a message inside the body for Jack.

Turns out this message is a clue to the next murder. Because there is a next murder.

It's all part of huge game (involving Dante's Divine Comedy and the nine circles of hell) that Luther's devised for Jack, who's so stubborn/determined/scared/idiotic/take your pick that she just has to be the one to apprehend this man. Even though eclampsia is nothing to sneeze at. It's a freaking serious condition that requires bed rest or you could seriously kill yourself. Honest!

Thing about thrillers is that they are big concept stories. And one concept here is the amazing, sometimes awful capacity for people to survive ordeals.

So as I read this story, I could buy its premise despite its over-the-top quality. I am not a stranger to the concept of ordeals.

In addition, Jack isn't just confronting Luther. She's trying to come to grips with a proposal from Phin. To marry, that is. Jack has all these issues. Control issues. Commitment issues. Independence issues. "Hey, guy. You're not the boss of me." Blah, blah ...

Anyway, Jack's got this alien life form growing inside her and she feels weird about that. At the same time, she feels protective of the unborn child. Plus she loves Phin and doesn't want to lose him. These plotlines create more layers of tension within the story and support the good vs. evil theme of the book.

Besides, Jack is so freaking funny. And she and Harry McGlade get to trade some of the book's best banter.

To put it in a nutshell, Jack must defend herself, her unborn child and her closest friends from her worst nemesis, a man determined to take her straight to hell. Smart, snappy and darkly humorous, STIRRED is a thriller that moves faster than a rifle shot, deftly combining the absurd with the grotesque.

Oh, and did I forget to mention Lucy and Donaldson? Two crippled and mutilated sociopaths bound by the desire to avenge themselves against Jack. They end up insinuating themselves into the story and, inadvertently, into Luther's plans. They're a match truly made in hell. But can two sociopaths find true love?

Is it really a spoiler to say Jack prevails? Even so, the book ends with a twist I never saw coming.

PS: If ebooks came with soundtracks, this song would be most appropriate.

PPS: Harry McGlade wins the award for having the funniest lines ever during a torture scene!

PPPS: Um ... falling down stairs while attached to bar stools and only suffering bumps and bruises? Seriously? :)

PPPPS: This story has a familiar ring. No, er, pun intended.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Parnassus Books Opens in Nashville

In keeping with my ever-continuing fixation with indie bookstores, here's a post about another one that just opened in Nashville, Tenn.

Parnassus Books already has a website (just click on that link right back there, okay?). And it has a Facebook page. Which I've liked, BTW. Nice going, guys. But I don't see nothing about a blog. What up with that, huh?

Oh, look, here's a New York Times article about the store. Awesome.

And it says:

After a beloved local bookstore closed here last December and another store was lost to the Borders bankruptcy, this city once known as the Athens of the South, ...

rich in cultural tradition and home to Vanderbilt University, ...

became nearly barren of bookstores.

A collective panic set in among Nashville’s reading faithful. But they have found a savior in Ann Patchett, the best-selling novelist who grew up here. On Wednesday, Ms. Patchett, the acclaimed author of “Bel Canto” and “Truth and Beauty,” will open Parnassus Books, an independent bookstore that is the product of six months of breakneck planning and a healthy infusion of cash from its owner.

“I have no interest in retail; I have no interest in opening a bookstore,” Ms. Patchett said, serenely sipping tea during a recent interview at her spacious pink brick house here. “But I also have no interest in living in a city without a bookstore.”

Awesome. Congratulations, Ms. Patchett. For someone with no interest in retail or opening a bookstore, you've taken on quite a commitment. And based on reading the article, you've put a whole sh*tload of work into this.

Plus that must be a quite a "healthy infusion of cash" you've got on hand, but it won't last forever if you spend your time in your pink brick house sipping tea serenely. Consider the example of St. Mark's Bookshop cited within the New York Times article. Getting a rent break is nice, but it won't solve the problem in the long run, will it?

May I make a friendly suggestion? Start a blog to market your bookstore. And try not to take yourself too seriously, okay? :)

As a gimpy self-published author, that's been my approach and it seems to have worked.

Finally, I strongly suggest you take a look at this post and think about it. Because while I agree that it's important for bookstores to serve unique community interests, if you're going to compete with a giant online retailer, you should get your online act together, am I right?

Josh Anderson for The New York Times

Ahh ... that's where you belong. Standing proud in your store. Be a retailer, Ms. Patchett. You can do it. Booksellers are awesome. Go for it!

PS: Did you know that Vanderbilt is one of the world's most expensive universities? I didn't until now. Yikes!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

50 Best Books for Journalism Students

Here's another one of those awesome articles I get now and then. This one is called The 50 Best Books for Journalism Students. Voila!

Hold it. Haven't I blogged about this before?


That's right. I blogged about it here. Except it was only 25 novels and they were terrifying terrific.

Do you suppose they're hurting for journalism students?

Can't imagine why ...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Enjoy With Music Wall Art Decor | Enjoy Music Indoors

Constructing a music room inside the house has become a popular choice for modern home owners. Even if you are not a true musician, you can still enjoy the pleasure of having a place where you can unwind and listen to your favorite music.
Enjoy With Music Wall Art Decor

Image Upoud From:

Enjoy With Music Wall Art Decor

Though music rooms serve a lot of purpose, one particular reason of building it is to exhibit your passion for good music and a chance to showcase your skills to decorate using various music wall decor. Get Full Article in
Article Source

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Book Frog: Life After Borders

Hi there. As part of my continuing quest to show support for bookstores, I thought I'd post about a new indie bookstore that has, in point of fact, risen from the ashes of Borders' destruction. So to speak.

The bookstore is called The Book Frog. As I understand it, the store was founded by a couple of ex-Borders refugees employees. You can find it on Facebook. I like it there. :)

I'm in Maryland and the store is in Harbor City, CA. So I'm pretty much limited to liking it online.

I really do like it, though. Enough to blog about it.

And try to find out some stuff about Harbor City so this post wouldn't be totally boring would be a little bit more lively.

So, I tried to learn something ... anything ... about Harbor City on Google. But all I could find was Chamber of Commerce type stuff. BOH-ring!

Well, I'm way too gimpy lazy busy a blogger to do a lot of work on this, so I turned to Google images. I typed in "Harbor City" and look what I found.

Okay. I think this may actually be a photo of the harbor at Crescent City, CA. But it looked so awesome, I decided, "What the hell. Slap it up there. Maybe they're the same place." Who knows, right?

Then, I found this.

Now, according to Google, this is an actual Harbor City home. So ... if you lived in Harbor City, this could be your home. Or something. Maybe.

But wait! It gets even better. And I swear this actually did come up in my Google images search on Harbor City ...

BTW, did you know that Jennifer Tilly is from Harbor City, CA? That probably explains a lot.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day is Dec. 3

In my continuing quest to show support for bookstores, I'd like to point out that December 3 is Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day.

If you have a Web site or blog, please click the link. You can save one or more of the images there and help spread the word about this, too.

Also, if you have kids, please mark that date on your calendar and take them to the bookstore of your choice.

Try to keep in mind that indie bookstores can use the business right now. More than ever.

Yeah, I know. The sound quality stinks. But the message is clear, right?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Decorate Your Home With Wondrous Wall Art Decor

Make the walls more beautiful and stylish by hanging wall art and decor. Choose decorative pieces, add the theme of the room. For example, the choice of the metal wall sculpture, if your home is a contemporary style; tropical wall art, if your home's style is tropical.

Wondrous Wall Art Decor
Some of the Great Wall tips to wonderful art of the Great Wall of mind.

1. Spick and Span
2. A Splash of Color
3. Wallpaper, Anyone?
4. Wondrous Wall Decor
5. Memorable Memorabilia

Wondrous Wall Art Decor

This is for you to add navigation on the wall, so wonderful Wall Art Decoration ideas:

1. Nautical theme room

One obvious place to hang the tapestry nautical theme in the navigation room. Use a rich tapestry of the sea and adding texture in this room is especially nice, since most other sea smooth or metallic nature of the project. You nautical tapestry fabric, will be well with the paddle, model aircraft, telescope, and the framed map of contrast. Or maybe you want your map or model of your precious boat made tapestries. Become a collector's room, one of a class project tapestries can be visual impact, can become a family heirloom.

Wondrous Wall Art Decor

2. Home office or study

Other rooms in your home is particularly beautiful, with miles of tapestries, as well. Your learning, library, or home office, you can benefit from the tapestry can provide warmth and texture. Nautical tapestries also add elegance to your lounge or bar area. A rustic appearance, an ancient tapestry maps for navigation. Nautical tapestry, it will be good, the older children's room, their interests do not include sports figures or rock stars wallpaper his room. Beach sunset tapestry might be a good choice to his room.

Wondrous Wall Art Decor

3. The whole family

You can also decorate the whole tapestry of the sea home. Remember, today's tapestries tapestry manufacturers will customize almost any size and color palate. If you want nautical tapestries hanging in your living room wall, taking into account the sunset schooner sailing. If your room's color palate is purple and yellow accents. If you are elegantly decorated library or study, a simple line drawing of a ship has entered the tapestry. Also consider sailing ship in the port of tapestries. If you are a world traveler (or just want), tapestry showing a different port, anonymous fishing village famous city, is striking, red when your entire family.

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