Saturday, April 23, 2011

A New Audiobook is Born!

Although I tend to blog a lot about ebooks because I publish my work in that format and make most of my money off them, I still publish my work in other formats, as well. Other formats being limited to print, up until now. However, that changed yesterday!

My first novel the New York Times bestseller (have I mentioned that enough times? lol) IDENTITY CRISIS has been released as an audiobook through Perfect Voices! Check out the awesome cover!

You can order it right now at Crossroad Press or SpringBrook Digital. You can also listen to a sample of the awesome reading done by the amazing Melba Sibrel on both sites. Do check it out — I don't think I could’ve picked a better reader for my book — seriously!

And be on the lookout for the audio version of the book to pop up on Amazon eventually. I'll let you know when that happens. Natch! :)

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