Saturday, April 14, 2012

Get 'Riptide' For Free From Smashwords in Any Format

Since Smashwords offers ebooks in all formats and is no threat at all, when you come down to it, to indie bookstores compared to some big, horrible mammoth online retailer/publisher who will remain unnamed, I feel it's fine to promote my Smashwords ebook giveaway right on this here blog.

Having said that, here's the deal.

As a Smashwords author who has offered to be their spokesperson, simply because they’re so awesome, I’m offering my latest novel RIPTIDE from Smashwords (just click the link to go to the order page) for absolutely FREE.

You can get the book for nothing at all in any format at all, including .mobi for Kindle, .epub for Nook, Apple, etc., PDF, etc.

All you have to do is use this coupon code ZX76D when you check out.

And all you have to do to transfer the file to your device is follow these really easy instructions. Super easy, right? Even I can do it. The gimpy techno-idiot. Honest!

However, this promo runs until Sat., April 21. So act fast, because I’m only giving away so many ebooks, okay?

And all I had to do to post this info is copy and paste the relevant stuff from this blog, but click that link and check out the other stuff, too, okay? Because it's really awesome. Honest! :)

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