Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bookstores Beware!

In a development that can only be described as bizarre, the LA Times reports that several local bookstore owners are being targeted by scam artists who call them up, pretend to be an author and try to get the store owners to send them money after relating some made-up tale of woe.

In an age of rampant identity theft and hoax emails, it's not too surprising that other cons are being attempted. But of all businesses to pick on--they choose bookstores?

But then, I suppose it is easier to call a bookstore and try to convince the owner you're Walter Mosley than it is to call a Hollywood producer and convince him or her that you're Brad Pitt. Or the San Francisco Giants' front office, pretending to be Barry Bonds. And who would believe those guys needed money wired to them, anyhow?

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