Thursday, October 16, 2008

Good News About Reading

It's a truism I've never believed: that young people today don't read books. I'm happy to see that author Dave Eggers not only shares my belief that young people read, but has direct experience with them to back it up.

And, in another case of misleading media coverage, check out the headline, then read the story. Okay, you're saying young men don't read books, but a higher percentage of them (46% which, as I recall, is not quite half) read books than read magazines (43%), rent DVDs (33%), go to bars (33%) or go to movies (20%). And, based on these numbers, you claim young men don't like to read books?

Is it just because 69 percent said they can't live without the Internet? Well, that's a useless indicator. I can't live without the Internet these days and I love to read books.

(A tip of the hat to The Reader's Advisor Online for both articles.)

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