Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Quick Trip to the Bookstore

This morning, I rose earlier than usual. I'm glad I did, because I had plenty of time to eat breakfast, take a shower, get dressed and go through my email. These are all time-consuming chores for someone with a crappy movement disorder that has no fucking cure and can't be adequately treated for shit.

So, as I was eating breakfast, we were watching a war movie. And I remembered this is Memorial Day weekend. Right. Writers don't get holidays.

Now, I can think of at least two blog posts, in which I've referred to wars and being in the shit. This one and this one.

And I had come to the realization that all entrepreneurs, whether they be authors, bookstores or publishers, must be willing to adapt with changing times.

Which is why I posted this on my author blog.

Anyhow, when I was done with all the boring crap, I rushed clumped on my gimpy foot hurriedly to my car and took off. Just to go to a damn bookstore, in order to prove to myself that I could still drive my own car.

And, as I drove, I listened to the radio and I swear this song came on:

Weird, huh?

Now, honestly, I have no problem with technology. But let's not forget about our humanity in the process. Everytime I blog, I give my real opinion. I try to be respectful of others online. We should all be respectful of others in business and personal relationships. In any case, it's my opinion that bookstores do serve a function. And other authors share this view. I've seen it expressed online.

For some reason, they have it in for B&N, but love indies. I guess because indies have been nice enough to work with us indie authors, by placing our books on consignment.

Here's the thing. There isn't a single freaking indie bookstore worth a damn convenient to where I live, okay?

Plus, if I may ask, what about that whole returning books to the publisher and getting a 100% refund thing? Seriously, how are publishers going to compete effectively against a huge fucking technology company/publisher/retailer that can give authors whatever they want, including the author you chose to make this video:

The amazing Ann Patchett, owner of Parnassus Books (though she had "no interest in opening a bookstore") and author of THE GETAWAY CAR.

My most convenient bookstore is a BAM, which is located where the dead Borders used to be. And I dragged my gimpy ass all the way to an Annapolis B&N to see Jenny Lawson.

Two New York Times bestselling authors in green shirts
Just to be clear, Jenny Lawson writes about zombies. I don't. Nor am I one. Furthermore, I do actually eat real food and brush my hair, now and then. And I'm not a junkie.

PS: I went to the bookstore to find Rick Steves travel guides for my trip to the UK. Because I love to travel, damn it. While I was there, I looked for a Robert Crais book, (Robert Crais is my hero, because he's a blue collar writer) and would you believe, they didn't have one stinking title? I nearly got so mad, I could've knocked down the shelf, except I was too tired and gimpy, and I figured, oh, fuck it. So, while trudging toward the checkout counter, I passed a book display. And one of the books was THE THINGS THEY CARRIED by Tim O' Brien. And I thought, I'm with you, brother.

And why does that sound so familiar? :)

PPS: I had no interest in being a gimp, but no one gave me a choice about that. So, I choose to be a happy fool.

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