Tuesday, May 22, 2012

'Blue Suburban Skies' by Richard Peabody

Just to be clear, this isn't a review. If you read this blog, you'd know that I support independent bookstores and online booksellers that compete with the great big huge online bookseller that's trying to take over the Internet. (I'll leave names out of it.)

And, just so you know, Richard Peabody has published this book, and it's available for pre-release order at a discounted price online, but not through the great big huge online bookseller, etc., etc.

FYI, I've previously blogged here about Richard Peabody.

And he's a DC-area author who cares about literature, and he loves French Toast.

I rest my case. :)

PS: Waterstones doesn't mind having its stores used as showrooms for the great big huge online retailer/publisher, etc., etc. Apparently.

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